Acoustic mineral wool slab
r.Whiz V
r.Whiz V is a mineral wool slab covered with special non-woven fiberglass fabric. The mineral wool has excellent sound absorption properties. The layout of mineral wool fibres and an innovative method of glueing fibreglass tissue make an r.Whiz V slab very stiff and guarantee permanence of mechanical and absorption properties. The fabric effectively prevents tearing fibres with an airflow of up to 20 m/s.
r.Whiz V is intended for acoustic, thermal and fire protection insulation. The product is also used as a sound absorber inside acoustic attenuators, panel screens and as internal insulation of air ducts.
Product in packaging
Structure of the cladding
Acoustic insulation of the air duct
Acoustic panel screen
Acoustic splitter attenuator
Structure of the product
Dimensions and density
r.Whiz V occurs in 2 formats.
0.6 x 1.2 – small format (cardboard packaging)
1.2 x 2.0 – large format (pallet packaging)
A wide variety of thickness (30 – 200 mm) and 2 sizes of r.Whiz V slabs facilitate the choice of optimal variant for the insulated element.
r.Whiz V occurs in three densities of mineral wool.
r.Whiz V3 – 35 kg/m³
r.Whiz V5 – 55 kg/m³
r.Whiz V8 – 80 kg/m³
A choice of adequate density allows obtaining adequate characteristic of sound absorption and adequate mechanical stiffness.
Technical information

Method of packaging
Depending on dimensions, r.Whiz V slabs are packed in 2 standards: cardboard and pallet standard. A cardboard standard is intended for slabs measuring 0.6 x 1.2 m whereas a pallet standard is intended for slabs measuring 1.2 x 2.0 m.

Cardboard packaging
A cardboard standard is intended for slabs measuring 0.6 x 1.2 m. A carboard box has dimensions of 0.4 x 0.6 x 1.2 m. Each cardboard box has two special perforated tear-off windows through which you can access its contents easily. Opening such windows does not break the sidewalls of the box. For easier transportation of single packages, the sides of the box have cut handles. The cardboard firmly protects the product against dirt and mechanical damage. Cardboard boxes for r.Whiz V slabs are stacked on a wooden pallet (0.8 x 1.2 m) in two layers. The whole pallet is wrapped in stretch wrap. Such a method of packaging effectively protects the product against damage during transportation and warehouse operations.

Pallet packaging
A standard of pallet packaging is intended for slabs measuring 1.2 x 2.0 m. Slabs are stacked on a wooden pallet up to a height of 1.5 m or 1.6 m. Side and upper edges of the packed pallet are secured with protective corners and additionally wrapped in stretch wrap. Such a method of packaging firmly protects the product against dirt and mechanical damage which may arise during transportation, storage and warehouse operations.

Dimensions and quantity (Cardboard packaging)

Dimensions and quantity (Pallet packaging)